Saturday, June 16, 2012

[Woow One - Emails] 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers

60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers

nspired and reminded by TV program The Universe of History Channel on TV, I realized that my time machine desktop wallpaper is already old and boring. In the search for another space/universe-alike wallpaper, I happened to came across a lot of really nice ones. The launch of Mac OSX Leopard probably kicks these space wallpapers back into trend.
In case you are looking for a fresh look for your desktop, try some of these space wallpapers. For starters try these 60+ absolutely stunning space and planets wallpapers (most in really high resolutions) I've found, starting off with 3 default space wallpapers that comes with Mac OSX Leopard. Full list after jump.
250233963 ba146d059c 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
180e850c57d968b6 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
1426431207 a32587e89e 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Aeon WP Pack by Burning Liq 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
A new era by BlooH 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Alea Satteli Wallpaper Pack 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Alpha Somewhere 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
2358529825 5ffe5fe66e 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Anxiety Wall   Impact by su 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Beginnings by shyshadow 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Thrift by shyshadow 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Blossom   Coming Home WP3 W 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
2073367106 1b3bfe3d12 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Celestial Expansion by emer 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Celestis wallpapers by Lord 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Soul by PlasmaX7 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
D E R E L I C T 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Dark Smanderis by Sisck79 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
DeepSky 18 by tienod 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
1280x1024 U Geme System 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Entropic Despair by shyshad 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Fires of Heaven by Orikon 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
First Space Scene by Phaese 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
WP   001 by brunocesar 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
My Dream by matty12opps des 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Serenity WP Pack by Burning 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Blossom   Coming Home WP3 W 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Impact   The Wallpaper 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Gyre by dinyctis 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
 1920x1200 3 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Frontier WP by benarts 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Twilight Patrol by JoeJesus 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Planet Five WP   cboyzart b 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
The Power Within 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Oath by shyshadow 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Severance by shyshadow 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Lineareality by Sanone 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Pacific Blue by GhostHead N 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
2580296896 58c438c107 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
2267054531 eb71a149e1 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
2346425495 8bd73cbdbc 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
2407883686 591e9b019c 1 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
86192959 b864d048a3 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
2148204701 40003b2633 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
2373591781 cf861418e2 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
2557937271 91f3d286bc 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Icarus  s Wish   Wallpapers 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
The Planet Earth by neWTom 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
33f919a2ab2418e9f8644f6beed 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Aeon WP Pack by Burning Liq 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
World of my own by sparkica 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
The End  by Gyppi 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Oblivion by Oblivion89 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Transport by AnimadversioN 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Unscathed by shyshadow 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers
Mark by shyshadow 60+ Absolutely Stunning Space and Planets Wallpapers

Posted By Blogger to Woow One - Emails at 6/16/2012 08:16:00 AM

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