Wednesday, June 13, 2012

50 Superb Landscape Photos

50 Superb Landscape Photos

Landscape photography is a genre intended to show different spaces within the world, sometimes vast and unending, but other times microscopic. This popular style of photography is practiced by professionals and amateurs alike. Photographs typically capture the presence of nature and are often free of man-made obstructions. Landscape photographers usually attempt to convey an appreciation of the world.
Below you can see 50 superb landscape photos.

Namsto Lake, Tibet

Credits: Jeremy Nielsen
In Tibetan, Namsto means "Heavenly Lake," and the serene beauty should not be missed by anyone who travels to Tibet. Its purity and solemnity are symbols of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and it is considered one of the three holy lakes in Tibet.

Giant's Causeway, Ireland

Credits: Yourane Ung
People visiting Northern Ireland necessarily go to the Giant's Causeway. But it is more than interesting to push your curiosity by taking the cliff path at the west of the car park. Beautifully typical Irish landscapes are expecting you!

Train Trip, Sweden

Credits: Vytautas Serys
This picture was taken in northern Sweden during a train trip to Abisko. My idea was to capture the warm train going through chilly Lapland's landscape.

Serengeti, Tanzania

Credits: Amnon Eichelberg

Hang Son Doong Cave, Vietnam

Credits: Carsten Peter
A half-mile block of 40-story buildings could fit inside this lit stretch of Hang Son Doong, which may be the world's biggest subterranean passage.

Lagoon, Iceland

Credits: Mark Reimer
I travelled around Iceland for two weeks with my girlfriend this past August. Jokulsarlon was my most highly anticipated place to photograph. It rained heavily the entire morning, but when we pulled our car up to the lagoon full of icebergs floating out to sea, the rain magically stopped right when I opened the door. I was blessed with the perfect photographic conditions: dead calm and gently overcast. This was my favourite shot of the day. (Mark Reimer)

Storm Clouds, Utah

Credits: Steven Besserman

Badwater Basin, Death Valley

Credits: Dan Desroches
This was taken in Death Valley at a location named Badwater, a dry sea of salt below sea level.

Point Reyes, California

Credits: Anton Barmettler
Point Reyes, California, near the top of the cliff, under fog. The windswept trees forming a kind of tunnel, the sun piercing through the upper layer of the fog and the limited visibility provide for a very special effect. It appears quite unreal. Kind of spooky, especially considering that there were very few people around.

Sand Dunes, Australia

Credits: Nicki Chen
The east of Lancelin town is bordered by endless snow-white sand dunes, which are heaven for sand boarders. The peaks of these sand dunes give a spectacular panoramic lookout over the township, surrounding sand hills, farmlands, coastline, islands and ocean.

Santorini, Greece

Credits: C.T. Feng

Storm Clouds, Nushagak Bay

Credits: Michael Melford
Storm clouds gather over Nushagak Bay, where a tempest is raging over the proposed Pebble mine. Fishermen say it could ruin salmon runs. Mine owners promise jobs and an infusion of money.

Brown Bear

Credits: Zahoor Salmi
The awe-inspiring brown bear lives in the forests and mountains of northern North America, Europe, and Asia. It is the most widely distributed bear in the world.


Credits: Jose Manzanilla

Sand Dune, Fraser Island

Credits: Peter Essick
Pioneering plants get a toehold above the tide line on Australia's Fraser Island.

West Texas Cowboy

Credits: William Albert Allard

Lake McKenzie

Credits: Peter Essick
One of dozens of lakes on the island, Lake McKenzie shimmers in the starlight. During the day the lake's sugar white beach and windowpane water attract hundreds of visitors. Like the painters and poets who celebrated Fraser's otherworldly allure, they return home with stories and images of soul-stirring beauty.

Wind River Roadless Area, Wyoming

Credits: Jack Dykinga
No signs point the way here, only the arthritic limbs of a pine gesturing to an endless sky. It is the wildest of the wild, a glacier-scoured terrain unmarred by roads, tugged at by wind, on the shoulder of the Continental Divide. This preserve of the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho dates back to 1937, decades before the United States passed the Wilderness Act, in 1964.

Autumn Leaves, Japan

Credits: Michael Yamashita

Lions Gate Bridge, Vancouver

Credits: Mathieu Dupuis

Wood Church, Greenland

Credits: Peter Essick
Erik the Red killed a man in Iceland over a trifle and worshipped Norse gods until the end, but at Qassiarsuk (above), site of his Greenland farm, there is a replica of the tiny wood church he built for his wife, who converted to Christianity. A wall kept out the livestock.

Beach Grass, Scotland

Credits: Jim Richardson
Marram beach grass blowing on the coast of the Isle of Lewis.

Bamboo Forest, Japan

Credits: Kyle Merriman
A shot taken from the path while entering the incredible bamboo forest outside of Kyoto, Japan.

Hengill Mountain, Iceland

Credits: Snorri Gunnarsson
Hengill mountain is close to Reykjavik and is famous for its geothermal areas and vivid colours.

Autumn Landscape

Credits: Olegas Kurasovas

Tundra Landscape, Russia

Credits: Michael Melford
Rolling off Kronotsky Volcano, an autumn storm billows toward the tundra. This vast tweed of feathery grasses, red bearberries, and green crowberries attracts grazing reindeer, berry-picking bears, and curlews that swoop in by the thousands to strip the bushes of their fruit.

Big Cypress Reservation, Florida

Credits: Jack Dykinga

Los Angeles Wildfires

Credits: Steven Riley

Palouse, Washington

Credits: Anil Sud
Sunrise lights up the verdant hills of Palouse, Washington, beneath the watchful gaze of a lone early bird.

Lake of the Moon, India

Credits: Dhurjati Chatterjee
The azure waters of Chandra Tal—Lake of the Moon—in Himachal Pradesh, India, reflect the vivid hues of a bright Himalayan day.

Ponies, Mongolia

Credits: Dann Tarmy

Cornfield, São Paulo, Brazil

Credits: Christiano Pessoa
An old and great example of a Jequitiba tree in a cornfield in Pirassununga city, interior São Paulo state.

Dente del Gigante, Italy

Credits: Davide Necchi
This is a picture of the "dente del Gigante" a famous peak in the Monte Bianco group; this is taken from Colle del Gigante at 3,400 meters [11,155 feet]. This photo is a single shot with only a correction of curve and contrast. The light came from a half moon at 4 a.m.

Terraced Rice Field, China

Credits: Thierry Bornier

Manarola, Italy

Credits: Paul Hogie

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

Credits: Jim Richardson
The craggy Cliffs of Moher wrap around the western coast of County Clare, providing a stunning view of the Atlantic Ocean. The rocky cliffs reach 702 feet (214) meters at their highest point and stretch nearly five miles (eight kilometers) across.

Rideout Bay, Ontario

Credits: Lee Anne Carver
This is an image from Rideout Bay in Kenora, Ontario, situated on the Lake of the Woods. The February sun veiled the shoreline as it teased the fog from the open water. There is no reason to believe this point looked any different 500 years ago, and I welcome its haunting invitation to return to innocence.

Church of the Good Shepherd

Credits: Thomas Young
An old stone church sits among the placid grasses of New Zealand's South Island, a land known for its wide expanses of untouched land and vast farming outlets.

Iguaçu Falls

Credits: Frans Lanting
A wealth of water—up to 1.6 million gallons (6.1 million liters) a second—pours over Iguaçu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina.

Meadows Park, Scotland

Credits: Mike Bascombe
Meadows Park in Edinburgh has its avenues lined with trees. This early morning shot was taken in especially thick fog as people walk through on their way to work.

San Luis Valley, Colorado

Credits: Jack Dykinga
Southwestern farmers have long shared community-operated waterways, or acequias, like the 150-year-old People's Ditch in Colorado's San Luis Valley.

Basalt Pinnacles, Scotland

Credits: Jim Richardson
On Skye's Trotternish Peninsula, basalt pinnacles loom over the Sound of Raasay. Rising from the debris of an ancient landslide, they bear witness to the geologic upheavals that shaped these lands.

Sheep, Scotland

Credits: Jim Richardson
Tangles of seaweed lure a flock of sheep from Iona's green slopes down to the beach for a mineral-rich graze. In Gaelic this stretch of coast is called Camas Cùil an t-Sàimh, the "bay at the back of the ocean."

Puffin, Shiant Islands

Credits: Jim Richardson
Dapper black-and-white razorbills (at right) and bright-beaked puffins (at left and in air, at center) find a haven on the Shiant Islands, just a few miles southeast of Lewis, Scotland. Nearly 8,000 razorbills and more than 200,000 puffins are estimated to use these islands as their breeding grounds each year.

Fishing, Celebes Sea

Credits: Liang Huan Chuan
In Semporna, many Filipinos and Malayu who traditionally fish for a living have erected hundreds of these homes in the Celebes Sea.

Licancabur Volcano

Credits: Hugo Machado
Licancabur Volcano is located on the border between Chile and Bolivia.

Tecopa Hot Springs

Credits: Christine Tuohy
This was shot in Tecopa Hot Springs south of Death Valley, CA. Middle of nowhere.

Keoladeo National Park, India

Credits: James P. Blair
Openbill storks, a bird indigenous to the region, nest in the trees by the marshes of the Keoladeo National Park in the Rajasthan state of India.

Spitfire Lake Reflection

Credits: Will Forbes

Santa Monica Shore

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