"An animated video, narrated by actor Ed Asner, from the California Federation of Teachers recently caused controversy for a scene where a wealthy man urinates on poor people.
Fox News host Sean Hannity sent one of his 'Hannity' producers to interview Asner about the video, but not before introducing Asner as a "radical left-wing Hollywood actor," reports Mediaite.com.
Asner said: "I don't remember a thing I said on it or a word I said on it, but I agreed to do it for California teachers. I approve this message."
The 'Hannity' producer said: "There's a part of it where it talks about things trickling down and they have rich people peeing on poor people."
Asner replied: "How disgusting. It should be reversed."
The 'Hannity' producer asked: "So you don't remember that?"
Asner answered: "Do you have any money? Can I p*ss on you?"*
Ed Asner voiced over a cartoon showing trickle-down theory (with the rich peeing on the poor) and commented back to a "Hannity" producer who tried to ... |
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